Quality of Life
Research into the quality of life of (ex-) cancer patients
Cancer has a huge impact on the daily life of anyone that is confronted with it. An important objective of existing cancer treatment is to provide patients with a quality of life that is as optimal as possible. Effective and reliable data about the quality of life of (ex-) cancer patients can only be collected by conducting a survey about the quality of life of (ex-) cancer patients.
Research into the quality of life with regard to colon cancer
Treatment for colon cancer has evolved considerably in recent years. These changes have not only led to a higher survival rate, they have also had a positive effect on the quality of life of patients affected by colon cancer.
Since research into the quality of life of this group of patients is extremely important, the Belgian Cancer Registry launched a study, in association with 'Kom Op Tegen Kanker', in which information is collected about quality of life, (care) needs and socio-economic well-being among patients treated for colon cancer. The survey is conducted using a questionnaire sent by post. The collected data is linked to patients and tumour characteristics from the Belgian Cancer Registry's cancer registration database and to information about diagnosis and treatment. As funding is provided by the 'Kom Op Tegen Kanker' relief fund, this study focuses on patients that live in Flanders. For more information about this study you can consult the following website www.kankerlevenskwaliteit.be